Previous incidents
OpenAthens authentication is down for most users
Resolved Dec 06 at 02:36pm GMT
OpenAthens have identified the cause of the issue and have implemented a fix. They are currently monitoring the fix to ensure stability across affected services.
1 previous update
Scan to email is unavailable
Resolved Nov 21 at 09:17pm GMT
We have identified the cause of the issue and have removed the affected mail relay from service.
Scan to email should now be working.
1 previous update
Issues accessing Microsoft 365 services on campus
Resolved Nov 21 at 10:04am GMT
Starting around 15:00hrs until 16:12 on 20/11/2023 our network provider experienced a blocklist issue, causing all requests to be blocked. The service has been returned and Jisc are now looking into the root cause of the issue.
1 previous update